Plantation Pipe Line Received a Stormwater Pump Station

Plantation Pipe Line|Polk County, GA|175 GPM - 90' TDH

jweddell100gpm - 300gpm, Eastern, Oil & Gas, Stormwater, Stormwater Runoff

This package stormwater lift station was configured to meet the medium runoff flow of this industrial property. One submersible centrifugal pump makes this a simplex station with an in-well check valve. The single pump handles high head conditions caused by 9,000 feet of 4” force main. Additional system valves are located in a below grade valve vault. An outdoor control panel includes floats for liquid level-sensing and a basic alarm for communication. A Thern crane was included with this station to raise and lower the pump.

Sebastopol California

Burbank Housing|Sebastopol, CA|36 GPM - 26.8' TDH

jweddell5gpm - 50gpm, Municipal Collection, Pacific, Residential Development, Sewer System Expansion, Urban Growth, Wastewater

This wastewater lift station was required to hand medium sewage flows from a development neighborhood by Smith River Rancheria, the governing body of the Tolowa Dee-ni’ Tribe. Two Goulds Water Technology 2 hp grinder pumps were used to meet the high head requirements for over 3,000 ft of force main. A owner-supplied control building contains the control panel and an permanent onsite Cummins generator for backup power. A Mercoid pressure transducer provides primary level-sensing controls with Dwyer floats for backup.

The Great Seal of the Smith River Rancheria

Smith River Rancheria|Smith River, CA|60 GPM - 132' TDH

jweddell50gpm - 100gpm, Pacific, Residential Development, Wastewater

This wastewater lift station was required to hand medium sewage flows from a development neighborhood by Smith River Rancheria, the governing body of the Tolowa Dee-ni’ Tribe. Two Goulds Water Technology 2 hp grinder pumps were used to meet the high head requirements for over 3,000 ft of force main. A owner-supplied control building contains the control panel and an permanent onsite Cummins generator for backup power. A Mercoid pressure transducer provides primary level-sensing controls with Dwyer floats for backup.

City of Battle Ground|Battle Ground, WA|80 GPM - 28' TDH

jweddell50gpm - 100gpm, Pacific, Schools, Wastewater

When a public high school decommissioned an existing septic system, a replacement package lift station was needed to handle the sewage from the campus. Tsurumi submersible cutter pumps were used to pass most solids and cut larger solids into passable sizes (about 1¼” diameter). The pumps also meet the low flow low head requirements for the new 3” PVC force main. The manhole and below grade valve vault are traffic rated. The outdoor control panel was mounted on the existing support structure for the decommissioned septic.

Praxair, Inc|East Chicago, IN|1,800 GPM - 33.5' TDH

jweddell1,000gpm - 5,000gpm, Central, Industrial, Industrial Water, Oil & Gas, Wastewater

A liquid hydrogen plant required this large 20’ deep lift station to handle super-high flows of industrial wastewater. In order to provide redundancy and expanded pumping capabilities, triplex submersible centrifugal pumps were specified in the 8’ diameter sump. A large custom valve vault holds the complete 8” valve configurations with triplex discharge piping and force main headers. Two below grade junction boxes hold electrical disconnects to comply with the classified space. An outdoor UL listed control panel uses float controls for primary and backup liquid level-sensing.