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Hannah Duncan50gpm - 100gpm, Bid Packages, Mountain, Wastewater, Wastewater Featured

The Mt. Rose Pump Station is a wastewater lift station in Reno, Nevada. This project was brought to Romtec Utilities by Stantec to develop the scope and configuration of the lift station. Ultimately, Romtec Utilities was used as the basis of design. At the time of bid, Romtec provided this complete pumping system to the contractor, KG Walters, and to the Truckee Meadows Water Authority.

IBM Resiliency Services|Boulder, CO|270 GPM - 36' TDH

jweddell100gpm - 300gpm, Data Centers, Mountain, Replacements & Retrofits, Wastewater

The IBM Boulder Data Center needed to replace a wastewater lift station with a new system to handle medium flows of wastewater generated at the facility. A precast concrete sump includes a pedestrian rated hatch with a safety grate for reliable fall protection. Two, Ebara 5 hp pumps were included in the design for redundant pumping capabilities, and a prefabricated valve vault structure contains check valves and control valves. A UL listed control panel with phase monitoring was engineered in a NEMA 4X stainless steel enclosure for installation outdoors.

King Sooper?s Marketplace|Fort Collins, CO|150 GPM - 6.8' TDH

jweddell100gpm - 300gpm, Mixed Use Development, Mountain, Wastewater

The food & drug store serving a nearby university needed this replacement package wastewater lift station for medium flow rates. Submersible solids handling pumps are designed to operate with suspended grease in the water from a cafeteria in the market. The lift station valves are vertically integrated into the sump discharge piping. An indoor UL listed control panel contains an intrinsically safe barrier for the in-well electrical controls, and an autodialer and basic alarm fulfill communication requirements. Floats are the primary and backup level-sensing control devices.

Union Pacific Railroad|Cheyenne, WY|100 GPM - 22' TDH

jweddell50gpm - 100gpm, Collection Systems, Equipment Washdown, Mountain, Oil/Water Separators, Railyards, Replacements & Retrofits, Stormwater Runoff, Wastewater

The Union Pacific Depot in Cheyenne, Wyoming needed two new sewer lift stations to replace its existing sewer collection system. Each lift station included three precast concrete vault structures, a wet well, valve vault, and metering vault. Both systems use 2 hp Ebara Vortex® sewage pumps in duplex configurations that are explosions proof rated for Class I, Division I locations. The valve assemblies comprise Val-Matic Cam-Centric® plug valves and Swing-Flex® check valves with pressure gauges. Endress and Hauser PROline® electromagnetic flow meters measure the sewage flows for both lift stations. These in-ground valve and meter assemblies were fitted with heat tracing to provide reliable frost protection with Raychem and Digitrace components.