The new residential development at Clear Creek Tahoe needed two new wastewater lift stations. The location of the development has many elevation changes and to successfully pump the sewage off to treatment, two lift stations were necessary.
Pioneer Place|Ridgefield, WA|350 GPM - 116' TDH
A new residential development in Ridgefield, Washington needed a wastewater lift station to handle medium flows of sewage from the new houses. 23 hp Flygt submersible pumps were engineered in a duplex configuration to meet the expected peak flow rates.
Snoqualmie Ridge|Snoqualmie, WA|115 GPM - 57.3' TDH
A new housing development in the City of Snoqualmie needed this wastewater lift station to handle low sewage flows and meet the City’s design standards.
Jessie Hollow | Vancouver, WA | 124 GPM - 35' TDH
Krippner Homes needed a new lift station to handle medium flows of sanitary sewer from a new residential development.
Bay Meadows | San Mateo, CA | 1218 GPM - 96' TDH
After the historic Bay Meadows racetrack closed down, a large residential development began that required this large wastewater lift station. A triplex configuration of 30 hp Flygt pumps handles the high flow rates of this system. A blower system was provided as part of the lift station odor control specified by the City. The lift station electrical controls comprised a PLC, float control level-sensors, and a backup generator. The panel includes an Arc Armor® enclosure that provides safe access to low-voltage controls and separate access for high-voltage circuits.