Romtec Utilities was contacted to replace two aging wastewater lift stations with a modern system capable of handling their combined flow in Bedford Nova Scotia in Canada.
Grain Millers, Inc.|Junction City, OR| 70 GPM - 38' TDH
Romtec Utilities was contacted to design and supply a wastewater lift station for the newly constructed Northern Gold Foods manufacturing facility in Junction City, Oregon. The new system handles wastewater from both sewer lines and process water from the food manufacturing process.
Clark County Water Reclamation District | Las Vegas, NV | 70 GPM - 47' TDH
Romtec Utilities designed and supplied a wastewater lift station for a housing development in Las Vegas, Nevada. Romtec Utilities worked with the developer, Summit Club Nevada, and the local water authority, Clark County Water Reclamation District (CCWRD), to design the system according to their design requirements.
City of Shafter|Shafter, CA| 414 GPM - 27.5' TDH
Romtec Utilities was contacted to design and supply a replacement wastewater lift station for the City of Shafter in Rodriguez Park. The new system was needed to handle growing flows from the area while modernizing the infrastructure.
CalPine Corporation|Hayward, CA| 1350 GPM - 15' TDH
Romtec Utilities was contacted to help on the design of an industrial pump station that would handle demineralized process water at the Russel City Energy Center in Hayward, California.