Romtec Utilities designed and supplied a stormwater pump station for a small housing development in North Bend, Washington.
Pacific Rim Apartments|Warrenton, OR| 95 GPM - 36.3' TDH
The construction of a new apartment complex in Warrenton, Oregon required a lift station to handle wastewater from approximately 60 new apartment units.
Coffee & Downing|Bakersfield, CA| 130 GPM - 33.2' TDH
A private commercial development required a new lift station to handle medium flows of wastewater from several new retail buildings, including multiple restaurants.
Department of Energy|Richland, WA
A secure Department of Energy facility in Richland, Washington required multiple top slabs to retrofit existing pump stations.
Exelon|Medway, MA| 30 - 70 GPM - 10' - 35'
The expansion of the Exelon Medway Generating Station required four unique pump stations to support future operations.