Stormwater Pump System in Olympia, WA – FSCSS
1025 Sweetwater Road|Spring Valley, CA| 200 GPM - 12.4' TDH
NLA Spring Valley LLC was constructing a commercial development and in need of a stormwater lift station. This Romtec Utilities stormwater pump system was needed for small and 100-year storm events for a commercial development.
Santa Ana Delhi | Orange County, CA
This project is a new lift station handling low flows in the Santa Ana Delhi Channel in Newport Beach, California. This system collects stormwater in a 10’ inner diameter (ID) wet well that reaches 32’ in depth. In the bottom of the well, three Ebara 20 horsepower (HP) submersible pumps sit ready to pump out the water.
Trans Bay Cable|Pittsburg, CA | 500 GPM - 25' TDH
Romtec Utilities designed and supplied two stormwater pump stations for a converter station in the City of Pittsburg, California. The two systems are necessary to supply collected stormwater to an onsite water treatment system before being discharged into the nearby bay.
Snohomish County|Everett, WA| 4170 GPM - 26.5' TDH
Romtec Utilities designed, supplied, and manufactured a powerful stormwater pump station with an integrated control building. The pump station was installed as part of a large estuary restoration project and is used to prevent inland flooding.