The pump station was designed to the City of Beaumont’s standards which have adopted Eastern Municipal Water District requirements, as the city will also be the end owner of the system.
Microsoft | Silicon Valley, CA | 400 GPM - 20.5' TDH
Romtec Utilities supplied both the stormwater and the wastewater systems to achieve the “net-zero” usage goals on the project.
Dermody Properties | Tukwila, WA | 400 GPM - 46' TDH
The successful installation and start-up of this station has allowed Dermody Properties to continue their development in one of the “Puget Sound region’s major industrial centers”.
Hancock Parkway Properties | 450 GPM - 15.8' TDH
The site of the new development is close to the Santa Clara River, driving the need for all the stormwater runoff to be collected and treated in order to keep contaminated water from making its way into the Santa Clara.
City of North Bend Sewer District| 320 GPM - 51.0' TDH
Quadrant Homes selected Romtec Utilities to design and supply a wastewater lift station that would satisfy the both the design criteria of the district and the needs of the development.