Clark Regional Wastewater District Logo

Clark Regional Wastewater District|Vancouver, WA| 82 GPM - 19.7' TDH

Hannah Duncan50gpm - 100gpm, Industrial Water, Now & Future Expansions, Pacific, Process Water, Sewer System Expansion, Urban Growth

Located at the northeastern edge of Vancouver on NE 117th Ave, this lift station will service a small industrial development as the city continues to grow and push its borders out. The Nielsen Industrial Subdivision that the sewer lift station will be serving involves roughly four acres of land for industrial construction.

Trans Bay Cable

Trans Bay Cable|Pittsburg, CA | 500 GPM - 25' TDH

jweddell100-Year Storm, 500gpm - 1,000gpm, Collection Systems, Industrial, Industrial Process Water featured, Industrial Water, Pacific, Process Water, Stormwater, Stormwater Collection, Stormwater Featured, Transportation

Romtec Utilities designed and supplied two stormwater pump stations for a converter station in the City of Pittsburg, California. The two systems are necessary to supply collected stormwater to an onsite water treatment system before being discharged into the nearby bay.

Orlando Utility Commission

Orlando Utility Commission|Orlando, FL| 100, 800 GPM - 85.6', 135' TDH

jweddell500gpm - 1,000gpm, 50gpm - 100gpm, Corrosive/ Caustic Pumping, Eastern, High Temperatures, High/Low pH, HRSG Blowdown, HRSG Pumping, Industrial, Industrial Water, Power Generation, Process Water

Romtec Utilities was hired to design and supply pump stations to support a combined-cycle power generation process that requires significant amounts of recirculated water to function for the Orlando Utility Commission in Orlando, FL.