City of Shafter in California

Gossamer Grove|Shafter, CA|500, 1000 GPM - 27.7', 56.8' TDH

jweddell500gpm - 1,000gpm, Apartment Complexes, Mixed Use Development, Municipal Collection, Now & Future Expansions, Pacific, Residential Development, Sewer System Expansion, Urban Growth, Wastewater

Gossamer Grove is the largest housing development in the City of Shafter. Romtec Utilities provided the wastewater lift station for this development after establishing a standard lift station configuration with the City on previous projects.

City of San Mateo Seal

Bay Meadows | San Mateo, CA | 1218 GPM - 96' TDH

jweddell1,000gpm - 5,000gpm, Apartment Complexes, Commercial Development Sewer, Design and Engineering, Meter Vaults, Mixed Use Development, Municipal Collection, Now & Future Expansions, Odor Control, Pacific, Residential Development, Urban Growth, Wastewater

After the historic Bay Meadows racetrack closed down, a large residential development began that required this large wastewater lift station. A triplex configuration of 30 hp Flygt pumps handles the high flow rates of this system. A blower system was provided as part of the lift station odor control specified by the City. The lift station electrical controls comprised a PLC, float control level-sensors, and a backup generator. The panel includes an Arc Armor® enclosure that provides safe access to low-voltage controls and separate access for high-voltage circuits.

County of Del Norte

Del Norte County | Eureka, CA | 220 GPM - 36' TDH

jweddell100gpm - 300gpm, Municipal Collection, Now & Future Expansions, Pacific, Sewer System Expansion, Wastewater

To extend the sewer system for Crescent City in Del Norte County, this sewage lift station was added to a new gravity line and force main. Duplex submersible chopper pumps pump the sewage to an existing gravity line and on to treatment. An easy-to-access below grade valve assembly contains the check and plug valves. An outdoor PLC panel is connected to a customer-supplied generator and is also protected by a customer-supplied shelter. Primary liquid level sensing is by a pressure transducer with floats as a backup.

City of Battle Ground in Washington

The City of Battle Ground|Battle Ground, WA|3,155 GPM - 46.2' TDH

jweddell1,000gpm - 5,000gpm, Now & Future Expansions, Pacific, Sewer System Expansion, Stormwater, Urban Growth

City of Battle Ground, Washington - Triplex Lift Station Design Project Assets DRAWINGS SITE-PLANS DESIGN PANEL DESIGN Project Description This stormwater lift station was designed for the City of Battle Ground to support the “now and future” needs of a developing area. This was achieved by designing the system to operate with large submersible pumps in a triplex configuration to meet the expected “future” flow rates. To meet the current flow rates, the City only ...
Sammamish Plateau Water

Pacific Properties | Sammamish, WA | 85 GPM - 75' TDH

jweddell50gpm - 100gpm, Meter Vaults, Municipal Collection, Now & Future Expansions, Pacific, Residential Development, Sewer System Expansion, Urban Growth, Wastewater

This medium flow sewage lift station was designed for a new development to meet the Sammamish Plateau Water and Sewer District lift station design standards. These standards specify a PLC controller with touchscreen HMI, SCADA options, a precast concrete valve vault, wet well, meter vault, and duplex submersible pumps. In addition to these design standards, this lift station needed to tie-in to an existing force main owned by the District. Romtec Utilities provided the tie-in force main designs and calculations as well as VFDs (variable frequency drives) to match the changing flow and pressure conditions of the existing force main.