Wastewater Lift Station by Romtec Utilities for the USDA Fire District.

USDA Fire District|Bechwourth, CA|50 GPM - 70' TDH

jweddell50gpm - 100gpm, Municipal Collection, Pacific, Wastewater

This lift station was designed to meet the low sewage flow requirements of a municipal lift station that would also serve new construction and commercial buildings. Submersible cutter pumps in a duplex configuration and an inlet-line drop bowl provide reliable pumping capabilities, and a separate below-grade valve assembly holds the system valves. A sheltered alternator panel with a basic alarm manages the mechanical and electrical system controls. Liquid level-sensing is managed by float controls wired for intrinsically safe.

Clark County, Washington|Vancouver, WA|198 GPM - 51' TDH

jweddell100gpm - 300gpm, Mixed Use, Municipal Collection, Pacific, Sewer System Expansion, Urban Growth, Wastewater

This package lift station was designed to meet municipal standards for medium sewage flows at this new commercial complex. The duplex pump configuration and solids-handling pumps provide suitable preventative measures for a reliable and long-term wastewater lift station. The below-grade valve assembly included swing check valves, a pigging port, and flow meters. An on-site permanent generator and sheltered outdoor PLC control panel provide robust and programmable lift station controls. An ultrasonic transducer and a two float backup comprise the liquid level sensing controls.

US Army, Fort Lewis, Washington

U.S. Army Base|Fort Lewis, WA|100 GPM - 10' TDH

jweddell50gpm - 100gpm, Industrial, Military Installations, Oil/Water Separators, Pacific

This package lift station in Fort Lewis was configured to meet the medium flow requirements for a federal industrial process system with stormwater to treatment. Submersible centrifugal pumps are protected from turbulence by a drop bowl. A below-grade concrete electrical vault holds the disconnect panel and electrical connections. A drain-pipe allows this vault to double as a stormwater drain for the area around the lift station. An outdoor UL listed control panel includes a basic alarm, floats for liquid level-sensing, and a NEMA rated enclosure.

City of Salinas California

Residential Development Wastewater Lift Station for City of Salinas, CA

50 GPM
17.4′ TDH

jweddell50gpm - 100gpm, Apartment Complexes, Pacific, Residential, Residential Development, Wastewater, Wastewater Featured

This lift station was designed to meet the low sewage flow requirements of a municipal lift station for a new residential development. The duplex pump configuration, solids-handling pumps, and inlet-line drop bowl provide suitable preventative measures for a reliable and long-term wastewater lift station. The controller is a PLC type designed with a pressure transducer for primary level sensing and a two float system for backup. The entire electrical was configured for Ethernet communication and alarm notification output to an existing SCADA system.