Romtec Utilities designed and supplied a wastewater lift station for an apartment complex in Soledad, California. This lift station pumps into an existing force main owned by the nearby Soledad Prison.
Pacific Grove Golf Course|Pacific Grove, CA|230 GPM - 18.5' TDH
The Pacific Grove Golf Course in California needed a wastewater lift station to pump medium flows of raw sewage to an effluent treatment and recycling system. This lift station was engineered with 3 hp Ebara submersible centrifugal pumps in a duplex configuration.
Magnolia Pacific Wastewater|Santa Ana, CA|78 GPM - 13.7' TDH
The construction of the Magnolia Pacific Technical School in Santa Ana, California needed a wastewater lift station to handle its sewage with medium flows of 100 gpm. To meet these flow requirements, Romtec Utilities engineered a lift station with 5 hp Weil submersible grinder pumps in a duplex configuration.
Doheny Village Wastewater|Dana Point, CA|120 GPM - 30.1' TDH
The City of Dana Point, California wanted to improve the Doheny Village neighborhood as part of a revitalization effort. One improvement included a new wastewater lift station to handle medium sewage flows from a new condominium development.
McCormick Woods|Port Orchard, WA|100 GPM - 104.9' TDH
In Port Orchard, Washington, new residential developments have been ongoing around the McCormick Woods Golf Course. The most recent development required a new lift station to handle medium flows of sewage for 200 new homes.