BAE Systems, Inc. needed a new pumping system that could handle medium flows of industrial wastewater that was also skid mounted.
Freestone at Bayside | Bremerton, WA | 160 GPM - 118' TDH
The City of Bremerton needed a new sewer lift station to handle medium flows of wastewater from a new residential development.
Pomona College | Claremont, CA | 370 GPM - 14.5' TDH
Pomona College in Claremont, California needed this new stormwater pump station to handle a wide flow range of runoff.
Salem Hospital|Salem, OR|50 GPM - 30' TDH
The Salem Hospital in Oregon needed a new wastewater lift station to handle medium flows of sewer and food preparation wastewater. The commercial kitchen for the hospital is located in a basement room, creating a design challenge for the kitchen.
Sunshine Canyon Landfill|Los Angeles, CA|195 GPM - 91.4' TDH
Republic Services, Inc. needed a new pump station to handle medium flows of wastewater in the form of treated leachate from its Sunshine Canyon Landfill.