The Indian Springs Resort was required to add a geothermal flow meter vault to send its used spring water to treatment at the City of Calistoga.
Indian Springs Resort|Calistoga, CA|6,800 GPM - 15.7' TDH
The Indian Springs Resort needed a new pump station designed to handle high flows of stormwater runoff from a collection storm drain.
Indian Springs Resort|Calistoga, CA|78 GPM - 11.6' TDH
The Indian Springs Resort needed two new lift stations designed to pump medium flows of sanitary sewer and wastewater to municipal treatment.
Jessie Hollow | Vancouver, WA | 124 GPM - 35' TDH
Krippner Homes needed a new lift station to handle medium flows of sanitary sewer from a new residential development.
Utica East Ohio Midstream LNG Plant|Kensington, OH|75 GPM - 67' TDH
Utica East Ohio Midstream needed two new pump stations to handle low flows of stormwater runoff at its new Kensington Plant in Ohio. To responsibly contain potentially hazardous stormwater from the topsoil, these pump stations were designed with double-wall fiberglass wet wells with interstitial leak detection. Both pumping systems included corrosion resistant components and sensors due to the potential presences of LNGs in the stormwater runoff. Pumps were engineered with 7.5 hp Ebara pumps in a duplex configuration, and different impellers were specified for each of the two pump stations meet slightly differing head requirements.