Adapting to the rising numbers of students seeking a higher education, UC Merced expanded their campus, and needed a wastewater lift station to accommodate new mixed-use residence halls.
Takara Sake|Berkeley, CA| 512 GPM - 29.1' TDH
In the Takara Sake project, Romtec Utilities supplied an industrial food-process pump station to Takara Sake USA Inc., a Sake manufacturer based in Berkeley, California.
Industrial Crating and Packing|Tukwila, WA| 512 GPM - 29.1' TDH
Woodburn Development LLC, with ICON Construction and Development, Emerio Design, and Canby Excavations were in need of a wastewater lift station for a new development. The Romtec supplied waste water wet well is a precast 10’ inner diameter (ID) well that is 36’ in depth.
Portland International Airport – Junction Boxes
Romtec Utilities engineers pumping systems for all types of applications, including booster pump stations that maintain water supply pressure.
Hidrostal Prerostal Prerotation Basin
Romtec Utilities engineers pumping systems for all types of applications, including booster pump stations that maintain water supply pressure.