City of Battle Ground in Washington

The City of Battle Ground|Battle Ground, WA|3,155 GPM - 46.2' TDH

jweddell1,000gpm - 5,000gpm, Now & Future Expansions, Pacific, Sewer System Expansion, Stormwater, Urban Growth

City of Battle Ground, Washington - Triplex Lift Station Design Project Assets DRAWINGS SITE-PLANS DESIGN PANEL DESIGN Project Description This stormwater lift station was designed for the City of Battle Ground to support the “now and future” needs of a developing area. This was achieved by designing the system to operate with large submersible pumps in a triplex configuration to meet the expected “future” flow rates. To meet the current flow rates, the City only ...
City of Oakland Municipal Wastewater

The City of Oakland|Oakland, CA|1,339 GPM - 21.9' TDH

jweddell1,000gpm - 5,000gpm, Municipal Collection, Municipal Lift Station Replacement, Pacific, Replacements & Retrofits, Wastewater

This municipal water district replaced an existing lift station with this packaged lift station designed for the high sewage flow requirements. 15 hp submersible sewage pumps discharges to a below grade valve assembly, which includes valves, actuators, indicators, and access ports. The outdoor control panel utilizes a pressure transducer for primary liquid level sensing and float controls for backup. The panel also includes soft starters to reduce the inrush current, which can sap the onsite generator during pump starts.

Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital|Santa Barbara, CA|1,095 - 21.5' TDH

jweddell1,000gpm - 5,000gpm, Hospitals, Pacific, Stormwater, Stormwater Runoff

This simple package lift station was designed to handle the medium flows of stormwater at this hospital facility. Submersible centrifugal pumps in a duplex configuration alternate pump starts or can both operate in high stormwater events. The pumps are protected from inflows by an HDPE deflector panel. There is a below-grade electrical junction box in a concrete vault. System controls were designed with a UL listed control panel, float controls for liquid level-sensing, a basic alarm, and an autodialer for telecommunications.

Union Pacific Railroad|Cheyenne, WY|4,000 GPM - 25' TDH

jweddell1,000gpm - 5,000gpm, Design and Engineering, Detention Pond Pumping, Detention Ponds, Equipment Washdown, Mountain, Oil/Water Separators, Oily Water, Process Water, Railyards, Replacements & Retrofits, Retrofits, Stormwater, Stormwater Collection, Stormwater Featured, Stormwater Runoff

The Union Pacific Depot in Cheyenne, Wyoming needed two new stormwater pump stations to replace existing systems. The first station used Ebara 25 hp submersible pumps in a triplex configuration to handle stormwater runoff from a parking lot and additional drains. The second station used Ebara 7.5 hp submersible pumps in a duplex configuration to pump stormwater that drains from the pit of a railway turntable. Both systems include precast concrete valve vaults. Each vault was preassembled with Val-Matic Cam-Centric® plug valves, Val-Matic Swing-Flex® check valves, and Ashcroft pressure gauges. Both stormwater systems discharge into an evaporation pond that was installed as a part of this larger water collection replacement, which also included three additional Romtec Utilities wastewater lift stations.

City of Brawley

City of Brawley Water Treatment | Brawley, CA | 1,350 GPM - 25' TDH

jweddell1,000gpm - 5,000gpm, Control Buildings Shelters, First Flush, Meter Vaults, Municipal Collection, Pacific, Process Water, Treatment Plants, Wastewater, Water Recirculation, Water Reuse

The City of Brawley needed this packaged lift station to handle high flows of wastewater at its municipal treatment plant. 12 HP submersible pumps in a duplex configuration were used to meet the high flow pumping needs and a conductive probe was used for liquid level-sensing. The in-ground valve assembly and meter assembly were each located in separate vault structures for a cost effective design and easy access. An outdoor, UL listed control panel was protected from weather and sunlight by a six-post shelter, which also covers the sump entry hatch and electric disconnect panel.