The pump station was designed to the City of Beaumont’s standards which have adopted Eastern Municipal Water District requirements, as the city will also be the end owner of the system.
Microsoft | Silicon Valley, CA | 400 GPM - 20.5' TDH
Romtec Utilities supplied both the stormwater and the wastewater systems to achieve the “net-zero” usage goals on the project.
Rogue Community College | Grants Pass, OR | 4,000 GPM - 0' TDH
Romtec worked with Marquess & Associates to provide them with the best value from an engineering, construction, and overall cost of maintenance standpoint.
Indian Health Service | Davis, CA | 215 GPM - 18.6' TDH
The IHS is the Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives, and worked with Cecil & Cecil in a larger project to construct a new in-patient clinic for substance abuse.
Dermody Properties | Tukwila, WA | 400 GPM - 46' TDH
The successful installation and start-up of this station has allowed Dermody Properties to continue their development in one of the “Puget Sound region’s major industrial centers”.