The construction of a hydrogen peroxide refinement plant for the Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company (MGC) required a pump station to collect and discharge stormwater to an onsite treatment system.
Educational Realty Trust|Sacramento, CA | 24.1 GPM - 24.1' TDH
Romtec Utilities designed and supplied a stormwater pump station for the new Army Depot Park in Sacramento, California. The pump station was designed for the 10-year storm and is capable of pumping 930 gallons of stormwater per minute.
Laguna Canyon Group|San Clemente, CA | 14 GPM - 22' TDH
The development of multiple retail outlets in San Clemente, California required the installation of a stormwater pump station. The system needed to work with the specifications of another pumping system by discharging collected stormwater through an on-site biofiltration treatment system.
Northshore Utility District|Kirkland, WA| 153 GPM - 130' TDH
Romtec Utilities was contacted to provide the design and supply of a sewer lift station to connect 12 newly constructed homes in the Seattle metropolitan area.
Sammamish, WA| 141 GPM - 185' TDH
The construction of the Cedar Hill housing development in Sammamish, Washington required a wastewater lift station to connect new homes into the existing sewer infrastructure.