City of Stanwood|Stanwood, WA| 160 GPM - 44' TDH
The Mineral Point housing development in the City of Stanwood, Washington required a wastewater lift station to convey sewage to treatment for newly constructed houses.
Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital|Santa Barbara, CA| 1.49 MGD - 18' TDH
A hospital in Santa Barbara, California needed an engineered pump station to handle medium flows of stormwater.
Washington County|Hillsboro, OR|38 - 52 GPM - 19.9' - 25.2' TDH
Seismic upgrades to the Washington County Public Service Building required the installation of five stormwater pump stations.
Portland International Airport|Portland, OR|3600 GPM - 46.4' TDH
The construction of a new multi-level parking garage at the Portland International Airport (PDX) required a stormwater pump station to handle high flows of stormwater.