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Orange County, California|Anaheim, CA|4,500 GPM - 32.5' TDH

jweddell1,000gpm - 5,000gpm, Booster Pump Station, Clean Water Intake, Design and Engineering, Detention Ponds, Domestic Booster Systems, Domestic Water Development, Inlet Outlet Structures, Pacific, Potable Water, Stormwater, Stormwater Runoff, Water Recharge, Water Reuse

To create new potable water, this lift station pumps clean stormwater from a collection/storage basin to a treatment facility. Duplex vertical turbine pumps move high flows of water very efficiently and use soft starters to reduce torque on the vertical shaft and provide additional pump diagnostics. Also included is an above-grade valve assembly on the top slab. The control panel utilizes an ultrasonic transducer for primary level controls and a pressure transducer for backup. The entire package lift station is located inside an owner-supplied control building.

Wastewater Lift Station by Romtec Utilities for the USDA Fire District.

USDA Fire District|Bechwourth, CA|50 GPM - 70' TDH

jweddell50gpm - 100gpm, Municipal Collection, Pacific, Wastewater

This lift station was designed to meet the low sewage flow requirements of a municipal lift station that would also serve new construction and commercial buildings. Submersible cutter pumps in a duplex configuration and an inlet-line drop bowl provide reliable pumping capabilities, and a separate below-grade valve assembly holds the system valves. A sheltered alternator panel with a basic alarm manages the mechanical and electrical system controls. Liquid level-sensing is managed by float controls wired for intrinsically safe.