Clean Water Booster Skid

Clean Water Booster Skid in Van Alstyne, TX

834 GPM
74′ TDH

jweddell500gpm - 1,000gpm, Booster Pump Station, Booster Stations, Central, Clean Water Featured, Now & Future Expansions, Residential Development

Clean Water Booster Skid in Van Alstyne, Texas Clean Water Booster Skid Project Assets DESIGN DRAWINGS PANEL DESIGN SITE-PLANS Clean Water Booster Skid We were proud to provide the design, manufacture, and supply of this clean water booster skid for the City of Van Alstyne. Van Alstyne, Texas is a city 30 miles north of Plano on U.S. Route 75. The U.S. Route 75 runs north to Denison and south 50 miles to Dallas. Van ...
Now and future expansion pump station for City of Ontario

Ontario, California Now and Future Pump System

100 GPM
24.5′ TDH

jweddell50gpm - 100gpm, Municipal, Now & Future Expansions, Pacific, Public Works, Wastewater

Ontario, California Now and Future Pump System Now and Future Pump System Design DESIGN DRAWINGS PANEL DESIGN SITE-PLANS This project was unique because it is a now and future pump system for the Inland Empire in California. Romtec Utilities designed the system with the potential to add larger pumps in the future depending on the expansion of the sewer system in that area. It is an intelligent strategy for long-term growth to engineer a system ...
Clark Regional Wastewater District Logo

Clark Regional Wastewater District|Vancouver, WA| 82 GPM - 19.7' TDH

Hannah Duncan50gpm - 100gpm, Industrial Water, Now & Future Expansions, Pacific, Process Water, Sewer System Expansion, Urban Growth

Located at the northeastern edge of Vancouver on NE 117th Ave, this lift station will service a small industrial development as the city continues to grow and push its borders out. The Nielsen Industrial Subdivision that the sewer lift station will be serving involves roughly four acres of land for industrial construction.

United Natural Foods

United Natural Foods Inc.|Vancouver, WA| 187 GPM - 32.8' TDH

jweddell100gpm - 300gpm, Mixed Use Development, Now & Future Expansions, Pacific, Residential Development, Sewer System Expansion

Romtec Utilities was hired to design and supply a wastewater lift station to expand the sewer infrastructure in Ridgefield, WA. The lift station was for an expansion of a commercial distribution center for United Natural Foods, Inc. or UNFI. Clark Regional Wastewater District, CRWWD, is the local water authority and needed to expand its sewer system for future residential development in this area of Ridgefield