Clark County Water Reclamation District

Clark County Water Reclamation District | Las Vegas, NV | 70 GPM - 47' TDH

jweddell50gpm - 100gpm, Corrosive/ Caustic Pumping, Municipal, Municipal Collection, Odor Control, Pacific, Residential, Residential Development, Sewer System Expansion, Urban Growth, Wastewater

Romtec Utilities designed and supplied a wastewater lift station for a housing development in Las Vegas, Nevada. Romtec Utilities worked with the developer, Summit Club Nevada, and the local water authority, Clark County Water Reclamation District (CCWRD), to design the system according to their design requirements.

United Natural Foods

United Natural Foods Inc.|Vancouver, WA| 187 GPM - 32.8' TDH

jweddell100gpm - 300gpm, Mixed Use Development, Now & Future Expansions, Pacific, Residential Development, Sewer System Expansion

Romtec Utilities was hired to design and supply a wastewater lift station to expand the sewer infrastructure in Ridgefield, WA. The lift station was for an expansion of a commercial distribution center for United Natural Foods, Inc. or UNFI. Clark Regional Wastewater District, CRWWD, is the local water authority and needed to expand its sewer system for future residential development in this area of Ridgefield