Duke Energy replaced the Dan River Steam Station with a new gas fired power plant and needed a new pump station to handle medium flows of blow down water from the heat recovery steam generator.
Portland Airport|Portland, OR|100 GPM - 28.19' TDH
To accommodate a new private terminal and hanger, Portland Airport needed a new wastewater lift station to handle a medium flow of sewage from the new buildings.
Indian Springs Resort|Calistoga, CA|6,800 GPM - 15.7' TDH
The Indian Springs Resort needed a new pump station designed to handle high flows of stormwater runoff from a collection storm drain.
Indian Springs Resort|Calistoga, CA|78 GPM - 11.6' TDH
The Indian Springs Resort needed two new lift stations designed to pump medium flows of sanitary sewer and wastewater to municipal treatment.
DJ Farms|Guadalupe, CA|135 GPM - 36.8' TDH
This City of Guadalupe, California needed a new wastewater lift station to accommodate a residential development for up to 800 homes.