This simple package lift station was designed to handle the medium flows of stormwater at this hospital facility. Submersible centrifugal pumps in a duplex configuration alternate pump starts or can both operate in high stormwater events. The pumps are protected from inflows by an HDPE deflector panel. There is a below-grade electrical junction box in a concrete vault. System controls were designed with a UL listed control panel, float controls for liquid level-sensing, a basic alarm, and an autodialer for telecommunications.
PG&E Power Plant|Colusa, CA|300 GPM - 23' TDH
These three package lift stations were designed to meet medium flows of industrial process water with added low flows of industrial stormwater and wastewater. Submersible centrifugal pumps in a duplex configuration were specified to meet the peak flows and water chemistry identified for each pump station. UL listed control panels with floats for liquid level-sensing and basic alarms comprise the system controls for the lift stations. These packaged lift stations were integrated into stormwater, processing, and wastewater plans for the new construction of the Colusa Generating Station.
Tesoro Corporation|Port Angeles, WA|400 GPM - 30' TDH
A remote Tesoro Corporation industrial site needed this stormwater pump station to handle water discharged from an oil/water separator which processes on-site runoff. Submersible centrifugal pumps were used in a duplex configuration in this shallow wet well. The 7.5 hp Ebara explosion-proof pumps were sized to meet low flow, medium head conditions for stormwater. Check valves and plug valves were integrated into the discharge piping in the well for a simple and cost-effective design. The precast concrete wet well and the access hatch are both pedestrian rated.
Union Pacific Railroad|Cheyenne, WY|4,000 GPM - 25' TDH
The Union Pacific Depot in Cheyenne, Wyoming needed two new stormwater pump stations to replace existing systems. The first station used Ebara 25 hp submersible pumps in a triplex configuration to handle stormwater runoff from a parking lot and additional drains. The second station used Ebara 7.5 hp submersible pumps in a duplex configuration to pump stormwater that drains from the pit of a railway turntable. Both systems include precast concrete valve vaults. Each vault was preassembled with Val-Matic Cam-Centric® plug valves, Val-Matic Swing-Flex® check valves, and Ashcroft pressure gauges. Both stormwater systems discharge into an evaporation pond that was installed as a part of this larger water collection replacement, which also included three additional Romtec Utilities wastewater lift stations.
City of Santa Barbara | Santa Barbara, CA | 275 GPM - 17' TDH
The City of Santa Barbara needed this packaged pump station to manage low stormwater flows from events that occur during the dry season. Duplex submersible pumps capable of passing a 3-inch solid pump the water into an existing sanitary sewer pressure main and on to treatment. This pump station includes an in-ground valve vault with plug and check valves and stainless steel discharge piping to handle oily or contaminated water conditions. Romtec Utilities supplied the complete electrical controls with liquid level sensing, alarm notifications, pump start and stop cycles, above-grade disconnect stand, and intrinsically safe circuits.