Vernon, California Data Center Stormwater Lift Station
Ontario, California Now and Future Pump System
100 GPM
24.5′ TDH
Bayport, Texas Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer Lift Station
50-100 GPM
100-150′ TDH
PDX TCORE | Portland, OR | 2500 GPM - 59' TDH
The PDX TCORE pump station is the fifth project RU has done for the Port of Portland in the last five years. The station is the main wastewater pump station for all of PDX.
Culbertson Power Plant|Culbertson, CA|100 GPM - 25' TDH
This power generation facility installed a package lift station designed for medium sewage flows of industrial wastewater. To protect the submersible solids-handling pumps, an inlet line deflector panel was included in the design. The wet well was protected from off-gassing and corrosion by an interlocking fiberglass lining. Conductive probes are used for primary and backup liquid level-sensing with an outdoor UL listed control panel. The panel is outfitted with a basic alarm and an autodialer for telecommunications.