Gossamer Grove is the largest housing development in the City of Shafter. Romtec Utilities provided the wastewater lift station for this development after establishing a standard lift station configuration with the City on previous projects.
Naval Base Kitsap|Bremerton, WA|100-1,160 GPM - 40'-130' TDH
Romtec Utilities designed, engineered, and manufactured five unique lift stations for the Naval Base Kitsap in Washington.
Middletown Energy Center|Middletown, OH|480-850 GPM - 25'-35' TDH
Construction of a new combined cycle power plant in Middletown, OH required 3 pump stations for the operation of its HRSG system. Middletown Energy Center uses natural gas and HRSG to generate power, this process requires significant amounts of water for operation.
City of Bakersfield | Bakersfield, CA | 825 GPM - 26.1' TDH
A residential neighborhood in Bakersfield, California needed to upgrade an existing Romtec Utilities lift station to keep up with increasing sewer flows. To meet the higher flow requirements, Romtec Utilities upgraded the existing 7.5 hp pumps to 12 HP Flygt submersible pumps in a duplex configuration.
University of California Merced|Fresno, CA|720 GPM - 48.9' TDH
The University of California, Merced needed a new wastewater lift station for the expansion of its campus. Two 20 hp Vaughan chopper pumps were included to meet the high flow requirements.