This medium flow sewage lift station was designed for a new development to meet the Sammamish Plateau Water and Sewer District lift station design standards. These standards specify a PLC controller with touchscreen HMI, SCADA options, a precast concrete valve vault, wet well, meter vault, and duplex submersible pumps. In addition to these design standards, this lift station needed to tie-in to an existing force main owned by the District. Romtec Utilities provided the tie-in force main designs and calculations as well as VFDs (variable frequency drives) to match the changing flow and pressure conditions of the existing force main.
University of Washington|Seattle, WA|346 GPM - 40' TDH
The renovation of the University of Washington’s Husky Stadium required a new lift station to handle medium flows of wastewater. Robust, 10hp Vaughan Chopper pumps were used in a duplex configuration to macerate solids and to pump under unpredictable conditions. The lift station, valve vault, and the access hatches were designed as traffic rated to accommodate loading/unloading next to the main grandstand. The UL listed control panel starts, stops, and alternates each pump cycle at levels measured by Noltaniva float sensors.
City of Brawley Water Treatment | Brawley, CA | 1,350 GPM - 25' TDH
The City of Brawley needed this packaged lift station to handle high flows of wastewater at its municipal treatment plant. 12 HP submersible pumps in a duplex configuration were used to meet the high flow pumping needs and a conductive probe was used for liquid level-sensing. The in-ground valve assembly and meter assembly were each located in separate vault structures for a cost effective design and easy access. An outdoor, UL listed control panel was protected from weather and sunlight by a six-post shelter, which also covers the sump entry hatch and electric disconnect panel.
The City of Camas | Camas, WA | 126 GPM - 206' TDH
In order to expand the municipal sewer system, this lift station was configured to pump to an existing gravity line flowing to treatment. A 24-foot-deep by 10-foot-diameter wet well collects the sewage flows. The wastewater is pumped at 120 gpm 10,000 lineal feet of 10” force main against 206’ TDH with 23 hp high head submersible solids handling pumps. A sheltered control panel utilizes an intrinsically safe barrier for in-well electrical, such as the pressure transducer and conductive probe for primary and backup level controls.
West Mesa Industrial Park|Las Cruses, NM|733 GPM - 44' TDH
The US Army Corps of Engineers worked with Romtec Utilities to design this lift station to replace an existing septic system. The resulting package wastewater lift station met the high sewage flows of this publicly owned industrial complex. The submersible sewage pumps in a duplex configuration are explosion proof to meet the wet well space classification. An outdoor UL listed panel utilizes floats and a pressure transducer for intrinsically safe level controls. It also includes an autodialer for communications and a blower for odor control.